BFG in Baja

I’d like you to write an intro paragraph that explains what the shoot was and all of the deliverables that came out of it. You need to have a bit more detail here to really showcase the range and production value for shoots like these.

BFG in Baja

▪︎ Currently 10.1M Youtube views as of 7/2018. Picked up broadcast network news, cable sports news, print, and web. This campaign was Cleo Nominated. 7 day quick turn from shoot to multi-platform content delivery on web and social media.

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Kris Bryant – Hot Corner

▪︎ The stunt was done in a promotional photo shoot for Red Bull. The baseballs were doused in gasoline and blowtorched before being shot toward Bryant at third base. He wore flameproof Adidas ClimaCool underpants and a long sleeve shirt that actively pushed heat and sweat away from the body.

▪︎  7.5M views on Instagram Story

▪︎  3 individual pieces shot in a day for social media

▪︎  2 day edit and turnaround of deliverables

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Kris Bryant – Coming Home

▪︎ The stunt was done in a promotional photo shoot for Red Bull. The baseballs were doused in gasoline and blowtorched before being shot toward Bryant at third base. He wore flameproof Adidas ClimaCool underpants and a long sleeve shirt that actively pushed heat and sweat away from the body.

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